Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pineapples and papaya

Pineapple and papaya, Peru has some of the finest,
ya this life is tough :) it's been a busy good day, we started cleaning out our "guest house" for some people coming from the states, man I tell ya people don't realize how much cleaning goes into preparing rooms for people, if a house sits for any period of time it gets covered in dust. On another note, the government is giving us a mighty hard time renewing our residence cards for the kids, when we first got the cards we gave them the original birth certificates for our kids and never got them back, now they want another copy of an original :) yep fun, please pray cause the devil don't want us here. On an other other note, man I'm on a role. It's that time of year to start with civil defence, every year we have to have an enspection done on our facilities, it's S/.2000 Right off the bat, than comes the list of things that they didn't like and we have to change, some of which we can fight off - more money. other things we have to change- more money - your doors can't open far enough, you can't have glass in your windows, and so forth :) yep lots of fun. Tomorrow I have to go tell our school teachers their contract will not be renewed :( we are moving on to different people, more fun :) I'm thankful for a God who in the midths of trials of all sorts he is able to keep you perfectly content, we have next to no material possession and no less troubles as we did before but I have not known contentment before we came here, thank you Jesus. And I'm thankful for papaya and pineapples :) bless you in our precious Lord Jesus Christ 

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