Monday, August 4, 2014

Update on the Washer

I just realized we haven't done an update about our laundry situation since the post about our only washing machine breaking down and having to wash by hand.  So here is what's happened since then:

After about four months of phone calls trying get the repair guys to come out, and no luck with having the machine repaired, we were ever so grateful for a generous donation from someone who knew of our situation and wanted to help out.  Finally a new machine! Praise God!

I also got a big surprise when I came home one day to a new washing machine in our house!  My amazing husband, and Avis and Tammy had all pitched in to buy one that the three of us can share.  This works out great, and now we don't have to worry about getting in the way of the house moms doing their many loads a day.

The new washing machine is working great so far, but I have noticed that the house moms still often do laundry by hand in the kitchen sink.  This is because one washing machine is not quite enough to meet the demands, and with that machine running almost all day every day, we can be certain that just like the other washers we have gone through, this one will only last so long and before we know it we'll be needing a new one again.  We know now that standard household washers are clearly not made to handle this amount of laundry a day, so it was time to look into other options. After looking into prices for commercial washers, the kind used in laundromats, we found that they were a little (well actually more like a lot) out of our price range, and decided on a semi-commercial instead, which brings the price down to less than half of what a commercial washer costs.  The problem is that Go Ye still didn't have anywhere close to enough money to buy a semi-commercial washer either.  But, thank God, He always provides. And this time He provided through Tammy's church in the States.  Tammy went home to visit her family for a few weeks in June, and during that time her church family stepped in to help.  They decided that their VBS project this year would be to help the needs at Casa de Paz, and within a week they had raised enough money to buy us the semi-commercial washer!!  All I can say is THANK YOU LORD!! Not only did He provide us with the funds needed to buy a high quality washing machine, but He also gave us more family; another whole group of brothers and sisters who love and care for us.  We are looking forward to personally meeting and getting to know a few of Tammy's church members when they come to Casa de Paz for their January mission trip.

God is Good.  He is so Good, so so good to us. :)

On a side note I should add that we do not have the new semi-commercial washer yet.  We are in the process of trying to get a hold of the company.  But hopefully soon.

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