Saturday, February 1, 2014


"Mucha gracias, Edita. Muy rico la comida".  We have said these words many times over the past year.  Saturdays are our usual 'eat with the kids day'.  The day when I get a break from cooking and enjoy some of the great Peruvian dishes prepared by Edita, our wonderful cook at Casa de Paz.  It's also a great bonding time with the Casa kids.  It's been interesting trying new foods.  Jake and I are both not picky eaters and willing to try almost any foods, even though Edita usually has a 'backup' food (usually fried eggs) ready for us just in case we don't like what's served. We have tried everything from fried fish (the whole fish including the head) civichi (sushi), to chicken-feet noodle soup, and yes there are times when we do take the egg instead. :) But for the most part, the food is really good!

Edita always seems very interested in what we ate in Canada, and what kinds of meals I cook for my family.  This is what gave me the idea to invite her and the house moms over for lunch.  They were so excited! And when I asked what I should cook for them they said they wanted to try a traditional Canadian meal.  Well I have no idea if there is such a thing as a traditional Canadian`meal, but I knew they wanted to try something different and new, so after some thinking I decided on meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a pasta salad.  Easy and quick to prepare, and also something they had never had before.

I am so grateful for Larissa and Dawn being here to help out. They were able to take the kids off my hands while I cooked, and also did the dishes afterward. It's been a LONG time since I've cooked a whole meal without any interruptions. It was so peaceful and the food was ready in record time!

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  I was happy to see some help themselves to seconds.  You know that means they were either really hungry, or they really enjoyed the food. Maybe both.? :)

I think the highlight for me was the great fellowship and conversation happening around the table.  I decided that I want to do this more often; maybe make it a once a month thing.  Also, we were asked by the staff if we would want to do a weekly bible study together with them.  YES!! I'm excited about this!  God puts one thing on your heart, you do it, and it leads to more. God has more good things in store for us than we can imagine.  He blesses us to overflowing, and out of that overflow we are able to bless others, and in doing so, we get blessed some more! Awesome! Thank You JESUS

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