Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bit about me.

Truth is I have no idea what I'm doing, which makes me so glad that God does know what I'm doing. All I want is to follow his lead and so often that means not knowing what's around the next corner, I speak for myself.
Most of you who know me know that I'm not exactly an expert writer, if you don't know yet you will find out soon :) I am ever thankful for two things, my ipad and my wife, they both correct my spelling for me lol. I am in the minute type of a person, in real life I'm timid but behind the keyboard not so much. So often after I've updated my status on Facebook Maggie will ask "Where did That come from!" And I'll shrug and say "I have no idea" I have a thought, I share it. It usually has nothing to do with me or anyone else. I spend very little time looking back and proof reading. I am aware that I'm quite jumpy, jumping from one thing to the next, so I am sorry if I don't make any sense. Maggie on the other hand is the complete opposite, she's a great writer and yet worries a great deal about how it's worded and how it sounds and all that other good stuff, she is so self conscious. Like I said I'm thankful she likes to proof read my stuff.
My hope is that through this blog you will not only see the events of us and the orphanage but also that you will get to know us on a deeper level and to feel connected to the children that we have the great privilege to share Gods love with. God is not to be underestimated, I am not fooled into thinking that this is the Hieberts mission, it is GODS mission. We are uneducated low lives who should be working at McDonald's living a paycheck to paycheck type of life, and yet here we are. It is Gods mission not ours. God breaks our boundaries when we submit to His will.

Another giveaway that I'm not a writer, I don't know how to end it....so I just sort of end. :)


  1. Amen! (except to the part about me being a better writer than you) lol

  2. I AM a writer and I disagree with you, Jake. You are sharing your heart and the things that matter most. It was a blessing to speak with you tonight. Continuing to pray for you and your ministry there in Peru!
